Evidence shows children learn best through play-based learning programs. At our kindergarten your child will be provided with quality education and care experiences which are guided by C&K’s curriculum framework, Building Waterfalls. Our curriculum is accredited by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority, and acknowledges the overarching principles and practices of the Early Years Learning Framework.
C&K Building Waterfalls Curriculum
Building Waterfalls is C&K’s early childhood curriculum framework. It is Australia’s first collaborative birth to school age curriculum framework and is universally acclaimed as inspiring and thought provoking, taking early childhood education to a new level. Building Waterfalls is based on enduring C&K philosophy, as well as encompassing contemporary practices and understandings of the early years.
We believe that children do not learn in isolation; it is a collaborative process. C&K Building Waterfalls teaching and learning guidelines acknowledge the important role educators, parents, other children and the physical environment play in a child’s learning. The significance of partnerships between children, educators, families and communities is embedded within the guidelines under Connecting, Enlarging, Listening and Exploring, as illustrated below.
Early Years Learning Framework
Belonging, Being & Becoming – the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) describes the principles, practices and outcomes that support and enhance young children’s learning from birth to five years of age, as well as their transition to school. The EYLF is a key component of the National Quality Framework for early childhood education and care and has 5 key learning outcomes to assist in and guide curriculum decision making and assessment to promote each child’s learning:
Children have a strong sense of identity.
Children are connected with and contribute to their world.
Children have a strong sense of wellbeing.
Children are confident and involved learners.
Children are effective communicators.